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Ask Ava: Advice from a Self-Proclaimed Genius

Before you read we would like to reiterate that this genius is "self-proclaimed". Follow advice at your own risk.

Q: Dear Ava,

My friend told me a secret yesterday and I think keeping this secret will hurt another one of my friends' feelings. What should I do?

A: I suggest you do what I always do, just send the secret into the grade GroupMe. Then everyone knows and it's fair game.

Q: Dear Ava,

I’m graduating this year and don’t really know what I want to do with my life. I enjoy so many different things, how am I supposed to pick one? And how do I know I'm picking the right one?

A: Well it seems like the logical thing to do would be to make a list of things you like and write pros and cons for each, but you are asking for my advice, so I would have to suggest becoming a spy regardless of what you like. Once you're in the government you can take over from the inside, and become president and gain massive amounts of power. At that point you can do whatever you want!

Q: Dear Ava,

I am BROKE, and my sole form of quarantine entertainment has been online shopping. Any ideas on how to make some money during a pandemic?

A: Well, I don’t mean to brag, but I am in the midst of creating a new business that would be great to invest in if you wanted to become a multimillionaire. I call it Storks, they are straws that are shaped like forks. Keep in mind you can not use it as a straw and a fork, only a straw. But, when you put your fork in your drink at your favorite restaurant I can guarantee you will automatically become the coolest person in the room, and it's a great conversation starter.

Q: Dear Ava,

I’m talking to this boy and I think I like him, but he doesn’t really get along with my friends. Do I break it off? HELP?

A: What can I say? Personally if I were you I would go with the bachelorette life, because #yolo, wasting your time on one person is just that, a waste of time, especially if they don’t get along with your friends. Either that or just get married or something i dunno.

Do you need some advice? ASK AVA! You can submit ASK AVA questions to


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